& Communities
Through Your Support.
Rebuilding lives of men and women needing a second chance through relationships, transitional jobs and training.
Empowering the physically blighted commercial corridor of Highland Park by restoring buildings, operating social enterprises and providing jobs.
Highland Park neighbors and our program participants to the wider Richmond community through shared experiences that bridge racial, economic, and geographic barriers.
Who We Are
All Boaz & Ruth goals and activities work together, intertwined, creating a strong rope of rescue for struggling individuals and their community. Our creative, holistic approach to those affected by unemployment, underemployment who are formerly incarcerated or returning from rehabilitation puts into practice the ultimate goal of helping people become independent. We encourage all our participants to improve their own lives as well as being part of making this entire community grow and prosper.
In everything, Boaz & Ruth seeks to be a part of the Highland Park neighborhood rather than an agency that is “doing to” or “doing for” the neighborhood. We believe that presence is more important than perfection and change takes consistent reinforcement and practice. In partnership with others around us, our positive presence influenced a 67% decrease in crime in Highland Park. To date, Boaz & Ruth has renovated a dozen commercial and residential buildings in the community. The reclamation of neglected properties is a powerful metaphor for the restoration of broken lives and a depressed community.

Currently, Boaz & Ruth operates four social enterprises in the commercial corridor of Highland Park in which more than 200 Trainees have learned and practiced the job and life skills they need to be successful. An additional 300 men and women participated in Boaz & Ruth’s partnership with the City’s
Department of Public Works. The Virginia state rate of recidivism is 23% but less than 10% of Boaz & Ruth program graduates have been re-incarcerated. 98% of our Jobs for Life program participants have gained full time employment either before completing the program or shortly after.
Our values are faith, accountability, inclusion, thanksgiving, and hospitality.